Tag Archives: Powershell
Santa Claus screen mate update
I’ve come to realize that the batch header method I’ve been using for Powershell scripts isn’t as fool proof as I had hoped. When I sent the Santa Claus script to my mom she wasn’t able to run the batch … Continue reading
Merry Christmas; Santa Claus screen mate
If you’re old like me, you might remember screen mates or desktop pets. These were programs you’d run on your computer that put little interactive creatures on your screen. The first one I ever encountered was eSheep, back in the … Continue reading
Batch Powershell launcher
Windows comes out of the box with Powershell scripts disabled, and asking every user to change their execution policy to allow running them is a hassle. To get around that, I wrote this little batch script snippet that I just … Continue reading
Device Wake Config tool
Have you ever had to peruse your Device Manager trying to figure out which device is waking your computer from sleep? Isn’t it annoying how you have to open each device one by one, checking the Power Management tab and … Continue reading